part of following projects:
Sarpi RK1
April 2023 - today
4/2023 – today
Description: project management (on-site) of a E-I&C - "waste to energy" - project
Griesemann Gruppe / Sarpi Deutschland GmbH
Location: Marl / Germany
PM2 - Obbola
September 2021 – February 2023
9/2021 – 2/2023
Description: site management at the new PM2 (paper machine, Kraftliner; I&C - installation)
Client: Christof Industries Austria / Voith Paper Germany / SCA Obbola
Location: Obbola / Sweden
CSL - Behring
August 2020 – August 2021
8/2020 – 08/2021
Description: erecting of a new pharmaceutical plant
Client: Jacobs Engineering / CSL Behring
Location: Lengnau / Switzerland
COVID19 lockdown
April 2020 - July 2020
4/2020 – 7/2020
Description: economic stall due to the virus - pandemic
Client: ---
Location: ---
June 2019 – March 2020
6/2019 – 3/2020
Description: electrical installation, of the world's 1st rice strow-based MDF plant
Client: KS Industrial Corp. / CalPlant1 LCC
Location: Willows, California, USA
BillerudKorsnäs AB
March 2018 – May 2019
3/2018 – 05/2019
Description: electrical installation, next generation - KM7
Client: BillerudKorsnäs
Location: Grums / Sweden
Pina S.A. (Losán Grupo)
November 2017 – February 2018
11/2017 - 2/2018
Description: electrical erection of a pressboard line with all auxilliaries
Schuhmacher / Pina S.A. (Losán Grupo)
Location: Fuentens (Cuenca) / Spain
July 2017 – August 2017
7/2016 – 8/2017
Description: change of electric monorail system (EMS) and modifying of skillet conveyors
Client: DÜRR /Germany; Porsche / Germany
Location: Zuffenhausen / Germany
Metsä Fibre Oy - pulp drying line
August 2016 – June 2017
8/2016 - 6/2017
Description: electrical installation of a pulp drying line and baling line
Client: Metsä Fibre Oy / Finland (in partnership with Valmet / Finland)
Location: Äänekoski / Finland
Tata Steel Ijumiden BV - hot strip mill 2
July 2016
Description: modification of hot strip mill 2 (coiler 1&2) colission-list
Client: Primetals Technologies / Austria; SMS group GmbH / Germany; Tata Steel Ijumiden BV / Netherlands
Location: Velsen-Noord / Netherlands
Tata Steel Ijumiden BV - hot strip mill 2
July 2016
Description: modification of hot strip mill 2 (coiler 1&2) colission-list
Client: Primetals Technologies / Austria; SMS group GmbH / Germany; Tata Steel Ijumiden BV / Netherlands
Location: Velsen-Noord / Netherlands
GE-General Electrics - Birr 4 (former ALSTOM)
July 2015 – June 2016
7/2015 - 6/2016
Description: Erection of the Gas turbine GT36 prototype – Test Centre
Client: GE - Switzerland and Ansaldo Energia former Alstom Switzerland AG
Location: Birr / Switzerland
Kronospan Burgos (Line 6)
February 2015 – June 2015
2/2015 – 6/2015
Description: dismantling (relocation) of a Küsters wood board press incl. forming and finishing line.
Kronospan /
Spain; Kronospan / Serbia
Location: Burgos / Spain
MDF - Hallein
September 2014 – January 2015
9/2014 – 1/2015
Description: dismantling for relocation of a complete MDF- factory.
Client: Kronoplus Technical AG, Switzerland
Location: Hallein / Austria
Rittal Haiger
August 2014
Description: Erection of an automatic high bay-warehouse (8 aisles), automated small parts storage (6 aisles) and complete boxes and pallets - conveying
Client: BSS – Bohneberg / Germany; Rittal / Germany
Location: Haiger / Germany
September 2013 – July 2014
9/2013 – 7/2014
Description: Modification and Plant Lifetime Extension of Reactor block # 2
Client: AREVA / Germany; OKG EON Sweden
Location: Oskarshamn / Sweden
AUDI EA – Press
July 2013 – August 2013
07/2013 – 08/2013
Description: Erection of hydraulic tryout press for die manufacturing
Client: Schuller / Germany; AUDI Germany
Location: Ingolstadt / Germany
September 2012 – June 2013
09/2012 – 06/2013
Description: Installation of the new Fibre line # 3
Client: AMEC / Canada; SAPPI / South Africa
Location: Ngodwana / South Africa
July 2012 – August 2012
07/2012 – 08/2012
Description: extension of the distribution Centre for a German’s chemist chain (entire control equipment and the material flow computer for a seven-aisle,
double-depth high bay warehouse with pallet order picking, including automated restocking using 4 STC)
Client: BSS Bohneberg / Germany; Rossmann / Germany
Location: Landsberg / Germany
Hans Kohler AG Zürich
May 2012 – June 2012
05/2012 – 06/2012
Description: Erection of an automatic storage and retrieval of containers, boxes and pallets with 8 automatic single Mast storages and picking station
Stöcklin Logistik
AG / Switzerland ; Hans Kohler AG Zürich / Switzerland
Location: Zürich / Switzerland
PPM Ltd.
November 2011
Description: Documentation & dismantling of a hydraulic-tappet–production-system for relocation in China
Client: LMT – PPM Precision Products Manuf. Ltd. Shenzhen / China
Location: Wien / Austria
FORD Craiova
June 2011 – October 2011
06/2011 – 10/2011
Description: Erection of a new fully-automated under body and body framing system with more than 200 spot-welding – robotics.
Client: TMS GmbH / Austria; FORD Romania / Romania
Location: Craiova / Romania
LMT Metallurgy
April 2011 – May 2011
04/2011 – 05/2011
Description: relocation of two Induction melting furnace
Metallurgie GmbH / Austria
Location: Steyrermühl / Austria
December 2010 – February 2011
12/2010 – 02/2011
Description: Erection of hydraulic redraw press for automotive part production
Client: Müller Weingarten / Germany; AUDI Germany
Location: Ingolstadt / Germany
October 2010 – November 2010
10/2010 – 11/2010
Description: Documentation & dismantling of two Induction melting furnace for relocation
Client: LMT – Metallurgie GmbH / Austria; Nemak Linz GmbH / Austria
Location: Linz / Austria
CCGT - Pego
December 2009 – June 2010
12/2009 – 6/2010
Description: Erection of two 830MW single-shaft Combined Cycle gas turbines (CCGT)
Client: Siemens / Austria; Elecgas SA Pego / Portugal
Location: Abrantes / Portugal
NEM - Mongstadt
March 2009 – September 2009
3/2009 – 9/2009
Description: Erection of two waste heat boilers of a combined heat and power plant (CHP) based on a combined cycle.
Client: NEM BV. Leiden / Netherlands; DONG Energy / Norway
Location: Mongstad / Norway
DONG Energy - Mongstad
May 2008 – March 2009
5/2008 – 3/2009
Description: Erection of two GE Frame 9E - single-shaft- gas turbines each of 130MW with heat recovery units and a steam turbine.
Client: General Electrics; DONG Energy / Norway
Location: Mongstad / Norway
Landi Suisse
August 2007 – December 2007
8/2007 – 12/2007
Description: Erection of a complete automatic storage & distribution centre with automatic single mast high bay storage for 31500 pallets, transport system
and picking stations system.
Automation / Switzerland; Landi Schweiz / Switzerland
Location: Dotzigen / Switzerland
CCPP - Kårstø
October 2006 – July 2007
10/2006 – 7/2007
Description: Erection of a 418MW single-shaft Combined Cycle gas turbine (CCGT)
Client: Siemens / Germany; Statoil Hydro Kårstø / Norway
Location: Kårstø, Tysværvag / Norway
MA48 Wien
September 2006 – October 2006
9/2006 – 10/2006
Description: Installation of a slag processing system of thermal waste treatment
Client: vatron - voestalpine mechatronics / Austria; MA48 Wien / Austria
Location: Wien / Austria
EDEKA Bauerngut
March 2006 – July 2006
3/2006 – 7/2006
Description: Erection & installation of an automatic storage, distribution and retrieval of containers, boxes and pallets with automatic single Mast
storages, picking station system and wrapping system.
Client: Salomon Automation / Austria; EDEKA Bauerngut GmbH / Germany
Location: Bückeburg / Germany
November 2005 – March 2006
11/2005 – 3/2006
Description: General modification of the banknote - paper machine (paper money)
Louisenthal GmbH /Germany
am Tegernsee / Germany
London Heathrow T5
April 2005 – November 2005
4/2005 – 11/2005
Description: London Heathrow Airport – Terminal 5: Installation of a complete fully automatic “early bag store” with the transport system and 30 automatic
single mast cranes in a 30 aisle-high bay storage which can temporarily store up to 4.000 bags/luggage’s.
HO-A voestalpine
August 2003 – April 2005
8/2003 – 4/2005
Description: Dismantling and Rebuilding of the big “blast furnace A” in 100 days only.
voestalpine AG
Linz / Austria
Location: Linz / Austria
Shandong Bohui Paper
June 2003 – August 2003
6/2003 – 8/2003
Description: erection & commissioning of the paper machine 2
Client: Voith Paper / Austria; Shandong Bohui Paper / China
Location: Zibo, Qingdao / China
CCPP - Dogalgaz Santralli
April 2003 – June 2003
4/2003 – 6/2003
Description: Erection of two single-shaft Combined Cycle gas turbine (CCGT)
Client: VA Tech Hydro / Austria; Dogalgaz Ankara / Turkey
Location: Ankara / Turkey
August 2002 – April 2003
8/2002 – 4/2003
Description: Extension of an existing storage and distribution centre with another 30 automatic single mast cranes in new high bay storages including the
transport system and integration into the existing plant.
Client: Siemens Dematic / United Kingdom; NEXT Distribution plc / Unidet Kingdom
Location: Doncaster / United Kingdom
Kras d.d. Food Industry
August 2002
Description: Erection & installation of an automatic pallet handling- and storage system with automatic single Mast cranes.
Client: Stöcklin / Switzerland; Kras d.d. Food Industry / Croatia
Location: Zagreb / Croatia
Sauer Polymertechnik
June 2002 – July2002
6/2002 – 7/2002
Description: Erection & installation and installation of three aisles and three 40m cranes in a high bay storage
Client: Viastore / Germany; Sauer Polymertechnik / Germany
Location: Föritz / Germany
Isovolta (Isoremo)
April 2002 - May 2002 & July 2002 – August 2002
4/2002 - 5/2002 & 7/2002 – 8/2002
Description: Erection & installation of impregnate channels (relocation from China)
Client: Isovolta / Austria
Location: Werndorf b. Graz / Austria
Neusiedler Papier AG
January 2002 - April 2002 & June 2002
1/2002 - 4/2002 & 6/2002
Description: Mechanical & Electrical modifications of different roller conveyors (pallet conveyors)
Hörmann Logistic
/ Germany; Neusiedler Papier AG / Austria
Location: Ulmerfeld-Hausmening / Austria
Glunz AG
December 2001
Description: installation of separating agent application
Client: Simpelkamp / Germany; Glunz AG / Germany
Location: Nettgau / Germany
Wattens Papier
November 2001 - December 2001
11/2001 – 12/2001
Description: modification of wet section (paper machine for cigarette paper)
Client: Wattens Papier / Austria
Location: Wattens / Austria
Asta Elektrodraht GmbH
October 2001
Description: different modifications
Elektrodraht GmbH / Austria
Location: Oed / Austria
Cartiere Burgo SPA
September 2001
Description: installation of two winders
Client: Jagenberg / Germany; Cartiere Burgo SPA / Italy
Location: Verzuolo / Italy
Kronospan Menznau
January 2001 - August 2001
1/2001 – 8/2001
Description: different modifications
Client: Kronospan / Switzerland
Location: Menznau / Switzerland
Wacker Chemie
September 2000 - December 2000
9/2000 - 12/2000
Description: errection and installation of one Gas turbine Frame 9E
Client: GE (General Electrics) / France; Wacker Chemie / Germany
Location: Burghausen / Germany
Berlingske Dagblade
August 2000 - September 2000
8/2000 - 9/2000
Description: errection and installation of newspaper conveying systems; inserting and stackers
Müller Martini /
Austria; Berlingske Dagblade / Denmark
Location: Copenhagen / Denmark
Nolte GmbH
April 2000 - August 2000
4/2000 - 8/2000
Description: errection and installation of a MDF line incl. all auxiliary plants
Client: Diffenbacher / Germany; Nolte GmbH / Germany
Location: Germersheim / Germany
Csepel Müvek II
November 1999 - April 2000
11/1999 - 4/2000
Description: MSR - installation of two Gas turbines and one steam turbine (403 MW)
Client: VA-Tech Hydro / Austria; Powergen / United Kingdom
Location: Budapest / Hungary
September 1999 - November 1999
9/1999 - 11/1999
Description: errection and installation of a MDF line incl. all auxiliary plants
Client: Simpelkamp / Germany; Kaindl / Austria
Location: Salzburg / Austria
GEW - Köln (HKW - Merkenich)
April 1999 - September 1999
4/1999 - 9/1999
Description: MSR - installation of a single shaft gas turbine
Client: Elin
Energieversorgung / Austria; GEW Köln
Location: Köln - Niehl / Germany
Kronospan Menznau
January 1999 - April 1999
1/1999 – 4/1999
Description: errection and installation of a MDF line incl. all auxiliary plants
Client: Kronospan / Switzerland
Location: Menznau / Switzerland
Jiangsu Golden East Paper